Process / DAT Politics ‎– Split Series #9 (12", FatCat Records ‎12FAT034, 1999)

V.V. / Vertonen ‎– V.V.V. (7", Crippled Intellect Productions ‎CIP011, Throat ‎7:01, 2002)

Hertsi ‎– Kohina (12", Sähkö Recordings ‎– SÄHKÖ-004, 1993)

Bottom Of The World (7", Fisheye ‎School 3, Fourth Dimension Records FDS55, 1998)

KA ‎– '00 (7", M/O/L/D ‎M#O#L#D 2, 2000)

Kallabris ‎– 81° n.B., 178° ö.L. (7", Drone Records ‎DR-30, 1998)

Francisco López ‎– Untitled Single Piece 5 (7", 90% Wasser ‎– wvinyl 001, 2002)

Bruce Russell / Andreas Brandal ‎(7", Smalltown Supersound , STS.023, 1997)

To Rococo Rot + D ‎– TRRD (12", Soul Static Sound ‎soul23, 1998)

Cathode & OJN ‎(7", Awkward Silence Recordings ‎awkward 14, 2002)

Earworm Soup (7", Earworm ‎WORM 84 , 2002)

Ø ‎– Kvantti (12", Sähkö Recordings ‎SÄHKÖ-002, 1993)

Magnétophone ‎– Air Methods / Fulm (7", Static Caravan ‎VAN 3, 1998)

Mint Sauce For The Masses (7", Playlist Records ‎Play 1, 1980)

John Clyde-Evans ‎– [For ht/rp/j&s] (LP, Fisheye ‎ : Optic 1, 1998)

Delphium ‎– Heaven And A Hope Eternal (7", Aquese Recordings AQR708, 1996)

1/3 Octave Band ‎– Tarakohe (7", Fusetron ‎FUSE 027, 2000)